Image Credit: NASA
30 years of partnering with NASA and Industry in Space Science
ZIN has developed space flight hardware for shuttle, MIR and ISS research applications evolving into complex satellite and space vehicle systems. Over 75% of physical science research on ISS to date has been developed, integrated and operated by ZIN, and a ZIN developed MIR payload is currently on display in the Smithsonian in Washington, DC. We have designed, analyzed, fabricated and operated over 400 space flight payloads, using numerous expendable and human-rated launch vehicles, logging tens of thousands of hours of operations in space.
Our extensive space hardware portfolio supports the NASA Human Exploration and Operation Mission Directorate (HEOMD), Science Mission Directorate (SMD), and the Space Technology Mission Directorate (STMD). As an experienced NASA Prime Contractor, ZIN has total responsibility for meeting the safety, interface, operations and mission success requirements levied for systems and payloads. Our ISS payload history goes back to the development and operation of the very first Physical Science ISS payload (Physics of Colloids in Space (PCS)), the longest-running payload on ISS (Space Acceleration Measurement System (SAMS)) and one of the most complex ISS science facilities (the Fluids and Combustion Facility (FCF)). Other examples of ISS hardware developed by ZIN include:
Microgravity Science Glovebox (MSG) payloads
EXpedite the PRocessing of Experiments for Space Station Rack (EXPRESS Rack) payloads
Maintenance Work Area (MWA) payloads
Operation and maintenance of the SCaN Testbed (an advanced communications system and laboratory facility)
Microgravity Acceleration Measurement Systems (SAMS/MAMS)
ZIN developed and provided operations for payloads that include an ISS Research of the Year award (Cool Flames) and two Most Compelling ISS Science awards (CVB and TAGES).
ISS National Lab Implementation Partner
Center for the Advancement of Science in Space (CASIS)
As an implementation Partner for the ISS National Laboratory, ZIN can enable ISS science facility use to researchers, businesses and educators, allowing them to take advantage of the unique benefits offered by space-based investigations.
Research and Technology
ZIN engineers and scientists design, develop and test innovative and game-changing technologies for aeronautics and spaceflight. We have demonstrated expertise and subject matter experts in Combustion Science (fire safety, waste management, cool flames), Fluid Physics (life support systems, cry-management, liquid crystal), Human Research (exercise devices, medical devices), power systems, electric propulsion, systems engineering, communications and intelligence systems and materials and structures. ZIN is experienced working with National and International Principal Investigators, as well as Project Scientists who interface with our development engineers to design and develop space systems and instruments.
ZIN ISS Payload Heritage
Click on Pictures below to learn more about specific projects:
Light Microscopy Module
Advanced Combustion via Microgravity Experiments
Space Acceleration Measurement System
Multi-User Droplet Combustion Apparatus
The Spacecraft Fire Experiment
Observation and Analysis of Smectic Islands In Space
Advanced Colloids Experiment
Combustion Integrated Rack
Coarsening in Solid-Liquid Mixtures
Cappilary Flow Experiments
Physics of Colloid Spheres
Characterizing Arabidopsis Root Attractions
Fluids Integrated Rack
Zero Boil-Off Tank
Binary Colloidal Alloy Test
Constrained Vapor Bubble
Medical Consumables Technology
Microgravity Acceleration Measurement System
Packed Bed Reactor Experiment
High Eccentric Resistive Overload Device
Shear History Extensional Rheology Experiment
Boiling Experiment Facility
Investigating the Structure of Paramagnetic Aggregates from Colloidal EmulsionsCE
ISS Treadmill Harness
InteraVenous Water GENeration
Soldering in Reduced Gravity Experiment
Isothermal Dendritic Growth Experiment
Burning and Suppression of Solids